All Projects

Writing an Arduino library for Pixel Dice

I wrote a library for connecting Pixel dice to the ESP32 mcu and published it for Arduino and PlatformIO.

The Random Projects I've Had Time For

I’ve had a few projects I’d done kicking around that didn’t really warrant their own articles.

Custom Sound Board for Pixel Dice Using QPython

Well the Pixels Dice KickStarter I supported like 3 years ago finally came in. I wanted to do something fun with them before I played my next TTRPG session, so...

Understanding Linux Pipes to Capture a Process's Last Words

For a work tool, I wanted to capture the last output from a process if it crashed. I ended up doing a deep dive into Linux data pipes to accomplish...

Adding Custom Songs to a Toy Guitar

A friend wanted to use a toy guitar as a prop for a halloween costume, and they asked if I could swap out the sound effects with playing some song...

Optimizing Searching a File for a Binary Sequence in Python

I recently spent some time optimizing a deserialization tool at work. I wanted to walk through my process for optimizing this Python code.